
发布日期: 2024年10月29日  浏览次数:


康斯坦茨大学 德国康斯坦茨


在Clemens Bechinger教授课题组

华南师范大学 2018年09月—2021年07月 广州


华南师范大学 2015年09月—2018年07月 广州




1) 极性自驱动粒子的集体运动,定向输运,相分离,以及混合颗粒的分离。

2) 布朗粒子的扩散和定向输运以及布朗马达的研究。

3) 胶体颗粒在牛顿液体与粘弹性液体中的输运研究。




1. Wei-jing Zhu*, Jian-chun Wu, and Bao-quan Ai*. Ratchet transport of particles in the obstacle lattices with topographicalgradients. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 162, 112411 (2022).

2.Wei-jing Zhu, Teng-Chao Li, Wei-rong Zhong, and Bao-quan Ai*. Rectification and separation of mixtures of active and passive particles driven bytemperature difference. Journal of Chemical Physics 152, 184903 (2020).

3.Wei-jing Zhu, Wei-rong Zhong, Jian-wen Xiong, and Bao-quan Ai*. Transport of particles driven by the traveling obstacle arrays. Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 174906 (2018).

4.Wei-jing Zhu*, Xiao-qun Huang, and Bao-quan Ai*. Effects of alignment interaction on diffusion and

mobility of self-propelled particles. Physica A 551, 124548 (2020).

5.Wei-jing Zhu, Xiao-qun Huang, and Bao-quan Ai*. Transport of underdamped self-propelledparticles in active densitywaves. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 115101 (2018).

6.Wei-jing Zhu, Yu -Ling He, and Bao-quan Ai*. Absolute negative mobility ofthe chain ofBrownian particles in steady laminar flows. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 103208 (2019) .

7. Wei-jing Zhu, and Bao-quan Ai*. Ratchet transport of self-propelled chimeras in an asymmetric perodic structure. Chineses Physics B 31, 040503 (2022).

8.Wei-jing Zhu, Xiao-qun Huang, and Bao-quan Ai*. Transport of velocity alignment particles in

random obstacles. Chineses Physics B 27, 080504 (2018).

9.Wei-jing Zhu, Feng-guo Li, and Bao-quan Ai*. Transport of alignment active particles infunnel structures. European Physical Journal E (2017) 40: 59.

10. Bao-quan Ai*, Wei-jing Zhu, and Jing-jing Liao. Collective transport of polar active particles on the

surface of corrugated tube. New Journal of Physics 21, 093041 (2019).

11. Bao-quan Ai*, Wei-jing Zhu, Ya-feng He, and Wei-rong Zhong. Giant negative mobility of inertial particles caused by the periodic potential in steady laminar flows. Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 164903 (2018).

12. Bao-quan Ai*, Wei-jing Zhu, Ya-Fen g He, and Wei-rong Zhong. Rectified transport of self-

propelled particles: the role of alignment interaction. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and

Experiment 023501 (2017).

13.Jing-jing Liao, Wei-jing Zhu, and Bao-quan Ai*. Transport and diffusion of paramagnetic ellipsoidal

particles ina rotating magnetic field. Physical Review E 97, 062151 (2018).

14.Xiao-qun Huang, Wei-jing Zhu, Jing-jing Liao, and Bao-quan Ai*. Directed transport of self-

propelled particles with local attraction. Physica A 553 124 63 2 (2020).

15. Narinder Narinder, Wei-jing Zhu, and Clemens Bechinger*, Active colloids under geometrical

constraints in viscoelastic media. Eur. Phys. J. E (2021)44: 28.

16.Shu-Na Huang, Wei-Jing Zhu, Xiao-Qun Huang, Bao-Quan Ai*, and Feng-Guo Li. Ratchet transport ofoverdampedparticles in superimposeddriven lattices. Chinese Physics B 28, 4, 040502 ( 2019).

17.Jing-Ran Li, Wei-jing Zhu, Jia-Jian Li,Jian-chun Wu, and Bao-Quan Ai*. Chirality-induceddirectional rotation of asymmetricgear ina bath ofchiralactive particles. New J. Phys. 25 (2023) 043031.

18.Wei-jing Zhu*, Shi-bin Tang, Jia-Jian Li, Bao-quan Ai. Ratchet transport of confluent tissues driven by the temporally oscillatory potential. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 187, 115403 (2024) .

19.Wan-hua Liu, Wei-jing Zhu, and Bao-quan Ai. Collective motion of pulsating active particles in confined structures. New J. Phys. 26 (2017) 023017.

20.Jing-ran Li, Wei-jing Zhu, Jia-jian Li, Jian-chun Wu, and Bao-quan Ai. Chirality-induced directional rotation of a symmetric gear in a bath of chiral active particles. New J. Phys. 25 (2023) 043031.

21. Feng-yang, Jing-luo, Hui-jun Shi, Wei-jing Zhu, Jian-chun Wu. Directed transport of chiral active particles in transversal activity gradients. Chinese Journal of Physics 87 (2024) 148-154.

22. Zhao-sha Tang, Jia-jian Li, Wei-jing Zhu, and Bao-quan Ai. Collective self-optimization of binary mixed heterogeneous populations. Physical Review E 109, 024405 (2024).


粘弹性流体环境中活性粒子在曲面上的动力学行为 2022年10月—2025年09月



粘弹性介质中活性粒子的定向输运和非平衡相行为的研究 2023年04月—2025年03月



曲面上活性物质的拓扑缺陷和非平衡统计性质的研究 2020年09月—2024年12月



手征自驱动粒子的随机热力学性质的研究 2017年05月—2020年05月



流体相互作用下自驱动粒子的非平衡统计性质 2018年01月—2020年12月




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版权所有  广东技术师范大学光电工程学院