
发布日期: 2024年05月06日  浏览次数:





[1]Huagang Li(李华刚), Xi Peng and Zhiwei Shi,"Vector gap solitons in pseudo-Zeeman lattices,”EPL, 135,67004 (2021).

[2]HuagangLi(李华刚), XingZhu, B. A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, YingjiHe, and ZhiweiShi,"Emulation of spin-orbit coupling for solitons in nonlinear optical media," Phys. Rev. A 101, 053816 (2020).

[3]Huagang Li (李华刚), Xi Peng, and Zhiwei Shi, "Vector solitons in nonlocal optical media with pseudo spin-orbit-coupling," Phys. Rev. E 103, 022205 (2021).

[4]Zhiwei Shi, Maowu Zuo, Huagang Li(李华刚), Daryl Preece, Yiqi Zhang, and Zhigang Chen,"Topological Edge States and Solitons on a Dynamically Tunable Domain Wall of Two Opposing Helical Waveguide Arrays,"ACS Photonics 8, 1077( 2021).

[5]Zhiwei Shi , Maowu Zuo, Huagang Li(李华刚),"Edge states supported by different boundaries of two helical lattices with opposite helicity,"Results in Physics 24,104191 (2021).

[6]Shi Zhiwei, Xue Jing, Zhu Xing, Xiang Ying, Li Huagang(李华刚,通讯作者),” Interaction of Airy-Gaussian beams in defected photonic lattices,” Phys. Rev. E 95, 042209 (2017).

[7]Huagang Li(李华刚), Zhiwei Shi , Xiujuan Jiang, Dongmei Deng, Xing Zhu, "Surface solitons at the interface between semi-infinite linear and thermal nonlinear optical media," Opt.Commun. 284, 5203 (2011).

[8]Huagang Li(李华刚), Zhiwei Shi, Xiujuan Jiang, Xing Zhu, Tianshu Lai, and Chaohong Lee, "Localized surface modes in parity–time-symmetric potentials," Opt. Lett. 39, 5154 (2014).

[9]Huagang Li (李华刚), Xing Zhu, Zhiwei Shi, Boris A. Malomed, Tianshu Lai, and Chaohong Lee, “Bulk vortices and half-vortex surface modes in parity-time symmetric media,” Phys. Rev. A 89, 053811 (2014).

[10]Huagang Li(李华刚), Wanchun Lu, Xing Zhu, Zhiwei Shi,"Nonlocal surface solitons in two-dimensional PT-symmetric optical lattices," Opt. Commun. 435, 20 (2019).

[11]Huagang Li(李华刚), Zhiwei Shi (石智伟), Xiujuan Jiang, and Xing Zhu, "Gray solitons in parity-time symmetric potentials," Opt. Lett. 36, 3290 (2011).

[12]Zhiwei Shi, Xiujuan Jiang, Xing Zhu, and Huagang Li(李华刚,通讯作者),” Bright spatial solitons in defocusing Kerr media with -symmetric potentials,” Phys. Rev. A 84,1398 (2011).

[13]Huagang Li (李华刚), Xiujuan Jiang, Xing Zhu, and Zhiwei Shi, “Nonlocal solitons in dual-periodic PT-symmetric optical lattices,” Phys. Rev. A 86, 023840 (2012).

[14]Xing Zhu, Huagang Li(李华刚,通讯作者), Hong Wang, and Yingji He, "Nonlocal multihump solitons in parity-time symmetric periodic potentials," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 1987 (2013).

[15]Cao P., Zhu X., He Y., Li H. (李华刚,通讯作者) ,” Gap solitons supported by parity-time-symmetric optical lattices with defocusing saturable nonlinearity,” Opt.Commun.316, 190 (2014).

[16]Fang Limin, Gao Jie, Shi Zhiwei, Zhu Xing, Li Huagang(李华刚,通讯作者),” Nonlocal defect solitons in parity-time-symmetric superlattices with defocusing nonlinearity,” Eur.Phys.J.D 68, 298 (2014).

[17]Zhu X. , Shi Z., Li H. (李华刚,通讯作者),” Nonlocal gray solitons in parity-time-symmetric potentials with spatially modulated nonlinearity,” Opt.Commun.355,516 (2015).

[18]Zhu X., Li H. (李华刚,通讯作者),” Multihump solitons in two-dimensional parity-time-symmetric optical lattices with focusing saturable nonlinearity,” Eur.Phys.J.D 70, 14 (2016).

[19]Huagang Li(李华刚), Xing Zhu, Zhiwei Shi, and Tianshu Lai, "Discrete dark solitons in parity–time-symmetric waveguide arrays with gain and loss," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 709 (2017).

[20]Shi Z., Xue J., Xing Z., Li Y.,Li H. (李华刚,通讯作者),” Discrete multipole dark solitons in saturable nonlinearity media with parity-time symmetric lattices,” Eur.Phys.J.Plus 132,79 (2017).


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